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The Craftsman

The Craftsman

Improving your balance doesn’t just prevent you from falling or help you to stop being so clumsy, but it can also mean balancing your life, or being balanced mentally. In order to fully be able to improve your balance, you must challenge yourself.

George Iliadis – Workshop Founder & Craftsman
Part Of A Tree

“The goal and the challenge is to keep the board off the ground
for as long as possible!”

Practicing on a balance board can have you tapping into some deep muscles, while also benefiting you mentally, by aiding you in being focused. And most importantly, it is both fun and relaxing. Even when you just don’t wanna workout with the balance board, you can simply step on it and start having fun by letting the flow drag you into some surf style!

A Few Words About George Iliadis

It was a little after when our first daughter Rozita was born and I said “I will make toys for her”, and that was the beginning of my woodworking journey. With no experience at all, I learned everything by myself. A road full of toil, doubt and tears, but also full of love, happiness and satisfaction. I learned everything about wood, how to cut it, how to sand it and paint it. I learned how to draw something on paper and then make it real. After 4 years our second daughter Sesilia was born and she found a house full of toys. Years were passing by and that which in the beginning was a romantic idea came to be my full time job.

Through the love for skateboarding I had started experimenting on how to make my own molds and how to press skateboards. It was a mess in the beginning, but I finally made it through. I had found the right way to design a mold and how it would transfer all its curves to the deck it was inside of it. Ok, I haven’t discovered a secret formula, but it was me, self-taught and that was the magic. I was now able to say responsibly, “I know the Art”.

So, through that and this time through the need to be active every single moment, in any place, no matter if it was raining, inside the house or not, on the beach or any other surface, I started making balance boards.

The Craftsman - Skating